bayarind partnership

Build commercial partnerships with Bayarind

Generate additional revenue, synergize your business with the various solutions and services provided by Bayarind.

Your digital ecosystem partner

We provide support to partners with a team that is passionate, skilled and ready to help whenever needed.

Profit sharing

As a Bayarind partner, you have the opportunity to share profits with us - because you are part of our team.

Comprehensive support

Enjoy unlimited access to trial products and marketing materials at no additional cost, as well as training support to help partners succeed.

Marketing collaboration

Expand your reach to a larger audience and make your company better known with our marketing collaboration.

Find products best for you

Various partnership program options that can be tailored to your needs.

Reseller Payment Gateway

Optimize the potential for technological developments and increase additional profits by becoming an official Bayarind partner in providing online payment and fund transfer services to your business partners.

Point of Sale Affiliate

Get attractive commissions from every cashier application sale that you successfully refer. This program is specifically for business people, shop owners, and individuals who want to accelerate the growth of their business while earning additional profits.

System Integrator

This system is designed for technology providers or companies who want to integrate E-wallet technology, Point of Sale, payment gateway, or other special systems. This program is suitable for businesses that want to develop the latest digital innovations.

Related products for you to collaborate with

Maximize your business by using all integrated products

Payment Gateway

Solution for receiving payments and sending funds.

Cashier Application

Cashier application for manage business.

Co-Binding Wallet

System collaboration E-money in the application.

Digital Voucher

Loyalty program e-voucher based.

Chat Bot

24/7 chat response automatically.